Awards 2023Innovation in STEM Award
Sponsored by EDX Medical Group
This award will be given to a company that has created and developed innovative STEM products and processes that have improved the performance of the organisation.
The judges are looking for a clear commitment to research and development, continued innovation and future growth potential. Applicants need to describe how it has benefited the company and/or client.
STEM Sustainability Award
Sponsorship available
This award recognises those STEM businesses for whom sustainability is at the core of their activities and whose environmental initiative has resulted in significant environmental improvement.
The judges are looking for businesses that have developed an environmental initiative and have built sustainability into the strategic operations of the business.
STEM Educational Programme of the Year (Public Sector)
Sponsored by XMA Ltd
This award is open to any public-sector organisation which runs an educational initiative.
The judges are looking for evidence of an initiative which either addresses the STEM diversity gap, the skills shortage or seeks to inspire and raise the aspirations of the next generation.
STEM Educational Programme of the Year (Private Sector)
Sponsorship available
This award is open to any private sector organisation which runs an educational initiative.
The judges are looking for evidence of an initiative which either addresses the stem diversity gap, the skills shortage or seeks to inspire and raise the aspirations of the next generation.
STEM Educational Programme of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award is open to any private or not-for-profit organisation which runs an educational initiative.
The judges are looking for evidence of an initiative which either addresses the STEM diversity gap, the skills shortage or seeks to inspire and raise the aspirations of the next generation.
STEM Company of the Year (under 50 employees)
Sponsorship available
This award will be given to the business that has demonstrated outstanding and consistent achievement, particularly over the last twelve months.
The judges are looking for a company that shows the greatest promise for the future.
STEM Company of the Year (over 50 employees)
Sponsorship available
This award will be given to the mid-sized business that has demonstrated outstanding and consistent achievement, particularly over the last twelve months.
The judges are looking for a company that shows the greatest promise for the future.
STEM Ambassador of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award will recognise an ambassador within the STEM sector in Wales.
The judges are looking for an individual who is an inspiration and role model to others, someone who encourages participation, diversity and inclusion in STEM, and who goes above and beyond to further the STEM agenda in Wales.
STEM Woman of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award recognises inspirational women and their work as ambassadors within the STEM industry to shine a light on the sector.
The judges are looking for a woman who has shown dedication and passion in her work within the STEM industry.
STEM Rising Star of the Year
Sponsored by CSA Catapult
This award will recognise the emerging talent within the STEM sector. It is open to an individual, who has 3 years or less experience in their role.
The judges are looking for an individual who has made a deep impact in their business, demonstrating ambition within the role who shows promising results for the future.
STEM International Business of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award is open to any Welsh STEM business that exports a product or service outside of the UK.
The judges are looking for evidence of a detailed internationalisation strategy, growth in overseas markets and a commitment to improving export performance.
STEM Start-up of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award will aim to celebrate and support Wales’ newest STEM businesses. Entrants to this award must be independent and have been trading for a maximum of 3 years on 17th Oct 2024.
The judges are looking for real passion, a strong plan, an innovative product or service and exceptional forecasts for further growth.
STEM Research Project
of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award will recognise a cutting-edge STEM research project that tackles real world problems. Entries are welcomed from industry, academia or collaborative working groups.
STEM Deal of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award will recognise a significant STEM deal within the last year. Whether it is a merger or acquisition, an innovative joint venture, a restructure, or investment, judges are looking for a deal that furthers the STEM agenda in Wales.
STEM Team of the Year
Sponsorship available
This award recognises an outstanding team which has gone above and beyond to further the STEM agenda in Wales. Judges are looking for a team which has shown dedication and passion in their work and has achieved outstanding results within the last year.